Video: Ollipekka Kangas

Adjustable Halo teamAdjustable Halo is an experimental interactive art installation that uses a camera, a projector and a gesture-based Leap Motion controller to achieve a mixed reality experience. The idea for the art installation was sparked in a demonstration session, where several gesture-controlled applications were presented.

The idea of the installation is to create the illusion of controlling a weightless, floating halo by moving your hand. This is made possible by capturing video of the installation space with a webcam, adding 3D model data to the video and then displaying the processed video.

The manipulable object was chosen to be a halo because of several reasons. It is a geometrically simple object, meaning that it can be easily textured and rendered with a computer. Yet the object carries a deeper meaning. It is an ancient symbol of deity and holiness in many religions. It is also a part of popular culture and can be used in a humorous way.

kuva01The installation was first set up in an art exhibition by the artist Ollipekka Kangas. The exhibition was held in Galleria Berner at the old Great Square in Turku during the old Great Square’s Christmas Market. This meant that the exhibition had more families visiting it compared to typical art exhibitions.

Feedback by the audience was written to a visitors’ book and reactions were observed on-site. Incoming guests quickly discovered how to interact with the installation. Control of the device was not experienced as too troublesome by older users, while younger guests tended to be more curious and excited about the possibilities of interacting with the halo. Feedback given by audience was almost unilaterally positive. According to the exhibition staff, the installation worked flawlessly and without any downtime through the whole exhibition. Approximately 1500 exhibition guests interacted with the installation.



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Teijo Lehtonen

Senior Research Fellow +358 (0)44 440 0005