Short-Term Physiological Strain and Recovery among Employees Working with Agile and Lean Methods in Software and Embedded ICT SystemsInternational Journal of Human–Computer Interaction14 Feb / 2017
Agile Methods in Embedded System Development: Multiple-Case Study of Three Industrial CasesJournal of Systems and SoftwareAugust/2016
Project Management Tools in Agile Embedded Systems DevelopmentMaster's Thesis2014
Sulautettujen järjestelmien ketterä käsikirjaISBN: 978-951-29-5837-5 (print), 978-951-29-5838-2 (pdf)2014
Agile Principles in the Embedded System Development15th International Conference, XP 20142014
Work-in-Progress – AgiES: Agile Methods for Embedded System DevelopmentDesign Automation Conference, Work-in-Progress sessionJune 2013
Agile Methods for Embedded Systems Development – A Literature Review and a Mapping StudyEURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems2013:15
Agile Embedded System Development versus European Space StandardsInternational Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC) 8(1)28 Oct / 2016
Can embedded space system development benefit from agile practices?EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems7 July /2016
Product Assurance in Agile Space Systems DevelopmentMaster's Thesis2015
Sulautettujen järjestelmien ketterän käsikirjan lisäosa: Ketteryys avaruusteollisuudessaISBN: 978-951-29-6283-9 (pdf)2015
Guidelines for Small Embedded System Companies Aiming to Enter the Space IndustryUniversity of Turku Technical Reports, No.72015
Gamifying Learning of Maritime Standard Operational ProceduresGameON 2018, Dundee, Scotland, United KingdomSeptember 18-20, 2018
Geek Cuisine: Extending the Narrative of a Junk Food GamerGames and Culture, 0(0)2023
Role and Experiences of Tutorial in Location Based GameGameON 2018, Dundee, Scotland, United KingdomSeptember 18-20, 2018
Fluidity of places in everyday food consumption: Introducing snackscapesInternational Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(6), 761-7682017
Individual smell perceptions in snacking12th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Rhode Island, USAAugust 2017
Foodscapeista gamescapeiksi: Välipalat pelaamiskäytännöissäPelitutkimuksen Vuosikirja2017
Connecting Company and Consumer Expectations In Game Design: A Food Sector CaseProceedings of the 18th annual European GAMEON Conference (GAMEON'2017), Carlow, Ireland6-8 September, 2017ISBN: 978-9077381-99-1
Linking Digital Game-Playing Motivations to Food ConsumptionProceedings of the 1st International GamiFIN ConferenceMay/2017
Food-related Gamification: Literature ReviewGAMEON'2016, Lisboa, Portugal2016
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The Luostarinmäki Adventure – An Augmented Reality Game in an Open Air MuseumNODEM 2014 – Engaging Spaces – Interpretation, Design and Digital Strategies2014
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Augmented reality and post medieval church – ruins of Holy Ghost Church in TurkuConference on Church Archaeology in the Baltic Sea Region2013
Mixed reality and the Holy Ghost Church in TurkuNordic Digital Excellence in Museums NODEM 2013 Conference, Stockholm, SwedenDecember 2013
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Augmented Reality – Towards Ethical Fantasy2014 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology ETHICS 2014, Chicago, IL, USAMay 2014
Gamified Solutions in Healthcare
Virtual to Virtuous Money: A Virtue Ethics Perspective on Video Game Business LogicJournal of Business Ethics, Springer2016
Ethical Gathering of Exercise Metrics from Elderly: Case Jumppatikku12th IFIP TC9 Human Choice and Computers Conference09/2016
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Motion Tracking Exergames for Elderly Users IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 52-64,2015ISSN: 1646–3692
Model-Based Tracking Initialization in Ship Building EnvironmentUniversity of Turku Technical Reports, No. 205/2014
Indoor Localization Solutions for a Marine Industry Augmented Reality ToolUniversity of Turku Technical ReportsNo. 1, October 2013
Tracking and Integration Aspects of a Mobile Augmented Reality Tool for ShipbuildingEEE ISMAR 2013 Joint Workshop on Tracking Methods & Applications and TrakMark, Adelaide, South AustraliaOctober 2013
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Mixed Reality for Industry? An Empirical User Experience StudyAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1038, IntelliSys 2019: Intelligent Systems and Applications, London, UK, 5-6 September, 2019
Data transfer from BIMserver to Unity 3D applications with the BIMconnect assetSubmitted to the Advanced Engineering Informatics
Simplification templates – A new shape specific method for triangle based CAD model simplificationSubmitted to the Computers & Graphics
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TRC-Matcher and enhanced TRC-Matcher. New Tools for Automatic XML Schema MatchingUniversity of Turku Technical Reports No 13May 2017
Extended Panorama Tracking Algorithm for Augmenting Virtual 3D Objects in Outdoor Environments22nd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia VSMM 2016, Kuala LumpurOctober 2016
Depth Sensors in Augmented Reality Solutions. Literature ReviewUniversity of Turku Technical Reports, No.10September 2015
Evaluation of the GPS Accuracy of TabletsUniversity of Turku Technical Reports, No.11August 2016
Applying Augmented Reality to Outdoors Industrial UseMaster’s Thesis, University of Turku2016
3D Mesh Simplification. A Survey of Algorithms and CAD Model Simplification TestsUniversity of Turku Technical Reports, No.3August 2015
Map Matching by Using Inertial Sensors: Literature ReviewUniversity of Turku Technical Reports, No.6August 2015
Recent Advances in Monocular Model-Based Tracking: A Systematic Literature ReviewUniversity of Turku Technical Reports, No. 8August 2015
Novel Interaction Techniques for Mobile Augmented Reality Applications. A Systematic Literature ReviewUniversity of Turku Technical Reports, No. 9August 2015
Hardware Accelarated Visual Tracking Algorithms. A Systematic Literature ReviewUniversity of Turku Technical Reports, No. 5August 2015
Current State of Ontology Matching. A Survey of Ontology and Schema MatchingUniversity of Turku Technical Reports, No. 4August 2015
Ethical Problems in Creating Historically Accurate Mixed Reality Make-beliefsCEPE/ETHICOMP 2017 - Values in Emerging Science and TechnologyJune 5-8 2017
MIRACLE Handbook – Guidelines for Mixed Reality Applications for Culture and Learning ExperiencesUniversity of TurkuJuly 2017ISBN 978-951-29-6884-8
Digital but Authentic? Defining Authenticity of Two Church Interiors Reconstructed with Mixed Reality TechnologyFinskt museum12/2016
Yhdistetty todellisuus ja menneisyyden esittäminen. Narratiivin ja historiallisen tiedon suhde Louhisaaren tarinat -sovelluksessaDigitaalinen historiantutkimus, Historia Mirabilis 1210/2016
B2C Business Models for Museum and Cultural Travel Mixed Reality Solutions20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference in Tampere, Finland10/2016
Reforming the Reformation Representation. Mixed Reality narratives in communicating tangible and intangible heritageDIHA & NODEM Special Session at 22nd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia VSMM 2016, Kuala Lumpur10/2016
Examining User Experience in an Augmented Reality Adventure Game: Case Luostarinmäki Handicrafts Museum12th IFIP TC9 Human Choice and Computers Conference7th-9th Sept 2016
Designing and Testing an Educational Game About Food for School-aged ChildrenGAMEON'2016, Lisboa, Portugal2016
Pelillisyyden mahdollisuudet. Teoksessa: Tila haltuun! Suositukset virtuaalisen suomen opiskelun toteuttamiseenTurun yliopiston Brahea-keskuksen julkaisuja 6, s. 51 – 56. Toim. Yrjö Lappalainen, Mari Poikolainen ja Heli Trapp, 20152015ISBN 879-951-29-6162-7. Turun yliopiston Brahea-keskus.
Virtual Reality Situational Language Trainer for Second Language: Design & EvaluationIn the Proceedings of the GAMEON'2015, Eds. Sanders Bakke and Frank Nack. December 2-4, 2015, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands12/2015ISBN 978-9077381-91-5
Triggering sustainability communication in a B2B context: combining action research and sensemakingAccounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 849-8762021
Considering sustainability in cruise vessel design and construction based on existing sustainability certification systemsJournal of Cleaner Production, Volume 259, 2020, 120763, ISSN 0959-65262020
Sustainability in Shipbuilding – Observations from Project-Oriented Supply Network in Cruise Ship ConstructionFFRC eBOOK 5/2019. Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku2019
Internal discursive effects on corporate decision to externally communicate sustainabilityNordic Accounting Conference 2018. Copenhagen Business School2018
Chapter 6: Pride and fear: Emotions in sustainabilityIn: Bernabé Escobar-Pérez, Maria del Mar Miras-Rodríguez (eds.) Corporate social responsibility: Challenges in diversity, accountability and sustainability. Management Science - Theory and Applications. Nova Science Publishers, New York. pp. 121-1472018
Collaborative sustainability in a shipbuilding networkCorporate Responsibility Research Conference CRRC 2018. University of Leeds, Kedge Business SchoolSeptember 10-12, 2018
Motivational Game Design and Pro-Environmental Elements in Sustainability ApplicationsGameON 2018, Dundee, Scotland, United KingdomSeptember 18-20, 2018
Perspectives to Sustainability in the Shipbuilding Network. Interview Results of the SUSTIS ProjectFFRC eBOOK 9/2016. Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku2016
Sustainability Best Practices. Benchmarking Results of the SUSTIS ProjectFFRC eBOOK 10/2016. Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku2016
A Comparison of One- and Two-handed Gesture User Interfaces in Virtual Reality – A Task Based ApproachMultimodal Technologies and Interaction2 February 2024
Virtual Reality Applied to Design Reviews in ShipbuildingIn publication process
Adapting to the unknown – the challenges of orchestrating open eco-innovation in shipbuildingIn publication process
Futures literacy in collaborative foresight networks: The case of advancing sustainable shipbuilding in FinlandIn publication process
Futures Literacy in Collaborative Foresight Networks: Advancing Sustainable ShipbuildingEmpowering Futures – Long-term Governance, Democracy and Futures Research, Turku14–16 June 2023Submitted
Bringing Sustainability to Shipbuilding Through Supplier Integration – Findings from SusCon-projectCCR Insights 1/2023, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku2023
Creating futures images for sustainable cruise ships: Insights on collaborative foresight for sustainability enhancementFutures, 135, 1028732022
Orchestrating in Business Networks to enhance the co-creation of eco-innovations(abstract) in The 38th Annual IMP conference in Florence, ItalyAugust 2022
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Dynamics of co-creating sustainable innovations in an international project business network – The role of hub company in shipbuilding industry context48th AIB UK & Ireland Conference in Reading, UK8-9 April 2022
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Forward-looking sustainability agency for developing future cruise shipsSustainability, 12(22), 1–202020
Futures literacy in collaborative foresight networks: advancing sustainable shipbuildingEuropean Journal of Futures Research2023A correction to this article was published in 04 May 2024
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