Latest Academic Publications
- The Association between Breast Cup Size and Breast Cancer Incidence: Insights from a Global Dataset
Faraz, Mehdi; Nematollahi, Samaneh; Tahmasebi, Sedigheh; Welsh, James S; Bevelacqua, Joseph John; Mortazavi, Seyed Mohammad Javad; Mortazavi, Seyed Alireza - A Study of Third-Party Tracking on Religious Websites (2024)
Lohi, Henna; Rauti, Sampsa; Puhtila, Panu; Heino, Timi; Rajapaksha, Sammani - The Hidden Hazards of Job Hunting: Third-Party Services on Job Search Websites (2024)
Vuorinen, Esko; Rauti, Sampsa; Heino, Timi; Lohi, Henna: Rajapaksha, Sammani; Puhtila, Panu - Varsinais-Suomen kestävyys ja kilpailukyky rakentuvat yhteistyöllä (2024)
Hannula, Mika; Sääksjärvi, Ilari E. - Flowthrough Analysis on Student Intake Paths (2024)
Kaila, Erkki; Leppänen, Leo; Luukkainen, Matti; Lemström, Kjell - A Data-driven Approach to Identify Feedback Elements for Effective VR Training (2024)
Ravyse, Werner; Tarkkanen, Kimmo; Luimula, Mika; Smed, Jouni - The Flow of Sustainability Information Through Interorganisational Shipbuilding Ecosystem (2024)
Heimo, Olli; Vainio-kaila, Tiina; Kinnunen, Kalle; Hänninen, Saara; Helle, Seppo; Majaniemi, Sami: Jokinen, Leena; Lehtonen, Teijo - Nurturing sustainable growth in a competitive market : Case study of MiTale (2024)
Skult, Natasha; Koporcic Nikolina - Building Up Green Software Life Cycle Model (2024)
Kivimäki, Lauri; Partanen, Laura; Porras, Jari; Tarkkanen, Kimmo; Tuikka, Anne-Marie; Mäkelä, Jari-Matti - The Effect of Analytics Tools on Energy Consumption of Websites (2024)
Puhtila, Panu; Kivimäki, Lauri; Heino, Timi; Mäkelä, Jari-Matti; Rauti, Sampsa; Mäkilä, Tuomas
- Participating Elementary School Children in UI Design Process of Learning Environment: Case KidNet (2024)
Tapola Mirva, Mäkilä Tuomas, Erdmann Norbert, Mikkilä-Erdmann Mirjamaija - Fair Data is the New Black : Online Shopping, Data Leaks, and Broadening the Understanding of Sustainable Fashion (2024)
Vänskä Annamari, Rauti Sampsa, Heino Timi, Carlsson Robin, Mickelsson Sini, Särmäkari Natalia - Several Online Pharmacies Leak Sensitive Health Data to Third Parties (2024)
Carlsson Robin, Rauti Sampsa, Mickelsson Sini, Mäkilä Tuomas, Heino Timi, Pirjatanniemi Elina, Leppänen Ville - Analyzing third-party data leaks on online pharmacy websites (2024)
Rauti Sampsa, Carlsson Robin, Mickelsson Sini, Mäkilä Tuomas, Heino Timi, Pirjatanniemi Elina, Leppänen Ville - A Comparison of One- and Two-Handed Gesture User Interfaces in Virtual Reality—A Task-Based Approach (2024)
Nyyssönen Taneli, Helle Seppo, Lehtonen Teijo, Smed Jouni - Using Low-Tech Prototype to Study Children’s Preferences for UI Components : Case KidNet (2023)
Tapola Mirva - Privacy Risks of Third-Party Services on Women's Shelter Websites (2023)
Puhtila Panu, Carlsson Robin, Rauti Sampsa - Data Leaks to Third-Party Services on Medical Websites (2023)
Rauti Sampsa, Vuorinen Esko, Carlsson Robin, Puhtila Panu - Composing Music Through Tile-based Games (2023)
Laato Samuli, Rauti Sampsa, Espeseth Alexander, Söbke Heinrich, Hamari Juho, Buruk Oguz 'Oz' - Verkkopalvelujen huomaamattomat tietovuodot kolmansille osapuolille (2023)
Rauti Sampsa
Data source: OurCRIS system adds our publications here automatically as they are verified from publisher feeds and the library. Academic Publications before 2021 are not listed.
Published Tools and Services
An unordered collection of mostly open sourced project/research artifacts and tools/services made in or used by Software Engineering Laboratory. Also see the showcase listing and the open source listing for the AR/VR/MR solutions made by the Mixed Reality Group. For the information technology student projects see the Capstone project listing.
Name | Description | M | U | E | A |
UTU Virtual Machines | Virtual Machines for Coursework | M | U | E | A |
Symbol Obfuscation | Linux ELF symbol obfuscation tools for improved software security. More information on diversification. | M | 2016 | ||
Beam Defect Detection | Computer vision based steel beam defect detector. Model by the ACI Lab of the dept. Project led by SwEng. Adapted to Detectron2/Colab by SwEng. | M | 2022 | ||
UTUGrader | Automatic grading of programming exercises via GitLab | M | U | E | 2022 |
Virma Kartta | An open source recreational travel mobile app for Southwest Finland | M | 2022 | ||
Git Guide | A beginner-level git guide for students | M | U | E | 2022 |
Capstone Course | A crowdsourced webpage system for student project listings | M | U | E | A |
Tech Jobs | A simplified job portal for the faculty’s students and local companies | U | E | A | |
Faculty Intranet Prototyping | An experimental git-based approach for building multilingual intranets | M | U | E | 2022 |
Text To Speech Presentation Tool | Multimedia lectures in a multilingual way with automatic subtitles by the use of modern TTS services | M | E | 2022 | |
Dept. Staff Map | A crowdsourced map of staff and item locations for our department | M | U | A | |
A+ | Automatic assignment grader in evaluation for the dept. Developed in Aalto University. | U | E | A | |
ShareLaTeX | Used internally for thesis supervision and publication writing | U | E | A | |
Exerciser | A service for allowing lecturers to easily track/gather course returns via GitLab | M | U | E | A |
ConnVis | Graphical Real-Time Network connection Visualization of Mobile Devices for Privacy Research | M | U | E | 2022 |
WP Imageorbit | A simple WordPress plugin for layouting links around an image (contracted work). | M | 2019 |
Made by the lab (M)
Used by the lab (U)
Education tools and services (E)
Active persistently / Last updated or last known activity year (A)