Sustainable Web Development Studies (Kestävä web-kehitys -koulutus)
16.5.2022–30.6.2025 (3 years)
The Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment (SECLE)
Budget UTU: 250 000 €

The project aims to promote the production of sustainable (accessibility, ethics, usability, environmental friendliness) digital services by training junior software developers (Job title “Junior software developer”) for software development companies. Implementing sustainable digital services requires an understanding of technical skills such as accessibility, user experience and green ICT methodologies.
The training will be organised as a 6-month intensive course structured in modules, with an emphasis on personalised guidance and practical teaching methods. In addition, it is possible to attend individual courses to develop specific competence needs.
Flexibility will be introduced into the content of the training by using appropriate learning environments to support flipped learning, through which students will have access to video lectures and other material, as well as automatically checked exercises to verify learning.
The programme will be implemented in close cooperation with the Open University of Turku. Teaching will be provided in both Finnish and English.
Additional information
Sustainable Web Development information page
Kestävä web-kehitys information page (in Finnish)
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Jari Lehto
Study Coordinator
Tuomas Mäkilä
Assistant Professor