Sustainable ICT Procurement and Digitalisation Studies
1.9.2022–30.6.2025 (3 years)
The Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment (SECLE)
Budget UTU: 250 000 €

The aim of the project is to implement a 30-credit in-service training package on digitalisation and green transition for public and private sector employees on topics related to ICT procurement.
Students can either take individual courses or the whole package. The courses introduce work-related ICT procurement content to develop green ICT procurement skills. The courses will first build a basic understanding of the ICT field (software development, security, privacy, AI), then digitalisation and the impact of information systems on business, and strengthen competences in ICT procurement and green transformation.
The studies will be implemented in close cooperation with the Open University of Turku. Teaching will be provided in Finnish.
Additional information
Sustainable ICT Procurement and Digitalisation information page (in Finnish)
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Anne-Maarit Majanoja
University teacher