GEMMA – Game based learning for Enhancement of new skills using Micro-MOOCs for Academic staff
1.9.2022 – 30.4.2025
Funding: Erasmus Plus
Budget: €400,000

GEMMA will develop a training course for researchers (from PhD students to professors) in higher education institutes aimed at furnishing this academic staff of the digital, entrepreneurial and life skills. These skills are crucial in this new era where the digital tools cover a consistent part of the research/teaching work. The academics have a highly fluid working day, that became more fluid after the COVID-19 outbreak. Improving those skills could improve the work/free-time balance.
The intended results include:
- A holistic training framework and model from the interception of digital, entrepreneurial and life skills, starting from well-known EU frameworks.
- A MOOC to train those skills.
- A Serious game embedded in the MOOC, as its laboratory part
- The operative guidelines and recommendations for teaching staff in how to manage well being at work, even in teleworking
Key partners
- University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
- Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
- University of Valencia, Spain
- University of Turku, Finland
- IASIS, Greece
- Serious Game Factory, Italy
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Jouni Smed
Adjunct Professor