Flavoria Flex
1.9.2023–31.8.2025 (2 years)
Business Finland Research to Business
Budget UTU: 660 000 €

Consumers want to know what is in the food they eat, how it affects their health. The content of the food is essential if you have food allergies. In nursing homes it is very important to know that elderly people do get enough nutrition. The size of food service market is globally about 4000 milj.€. There are over 16 000 professional kitchens in Finland. Food service companies want to develop their services to respond to the customer needs and for that they need data on the customer behavior. Collection and exploitation of data will be in an essential role in business development of food service companies.
Intelligent Flavoria Flex solution will be developed to solve these needs. It is an easy-to-install system collecting detailed information on the amount and quality of consumers’ food selection choices. Data is compiled and provided to the food service company for improving the food selection and to the consumers for following the food choices.
There are currently available separate technological solutions for food service companies, but there is not any whole concept solution available. Flavoria Flex multisensory solution enables the monitoring of individuals’ food choices and it scales to the needs of different size food service companies. The project investigates the information production capabilities of imaging technologies in a restaurant, retail and care services and preparations to commercialize the whole concept. Tentatively Flavoria Flex solution has been planned to be commercialized through three phases: first through food services companies and later via mobile solution and AI-based nutrition guidance for indivual consumers.
Key partners
The project is coordinated by the Nutrition and Food Research Center (NuFo). The research is based on the previous work done in the Flavoria Research Restaurant.
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Tuomas Mäkilä
Assistant Professor