1.1.2020–31.6.2023 (3 years)
European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD)
Budget UTU: 30 000 €
The Improving digital accessibility in recreation services (Digi-SAAPAS) project utilizes a dataset from a previous project “Virkistä Dataa!” that produced a recreation and nature tourism information maintenance tool implemented in the project and the recreation destination information collected with it.
In this project, an easy-to-use mobile user interface for Virma data was produced that covers the entire Southwest Finland and presents recreational destination information to the public. The service is intended for the use of both hikers and municipal residents, as well as for the marketing needs of municipal recreation opportunities.
Information on recreational destinations in Finland proper can be found here.
Key partners
The project is coordinated by Lounaistieto, and the project’s co-implementers are ProAgria Länsi-Suomi ry, the University of Turku’s Department of Computing and Valonia.

Additional information
Service URL: https://virma.fi/
Source code: https://github.com/lounaispaikka/
Ask more
Tuomas Mäkilä
Assistant Professor
Lauri Koivunen
Project researcher