Tools and Services

An unordered collection of project/research artifacts and tools/services made in or used by SwEng.
Also see the Mixed Reality showcase listing for AR/VR/MR.
For student projects see the Capstone project listing.

Table explanation
ade by the lab (M)
Used by the lab (U)
Education tools and services (E)
Active persistently / Last updated or last known activity year (A)

UTU Virtual Machines Virtual Machines for CourseworkMUEA
Symbol ObfuscationLinux ELF symbol obfuscation tools for improved software security. More information on diversification.M2016
Beam Defect DetectionComputer vision based steel beam defect detector. Model by the ACI Lab of the dept. Project led by SwEng. Adapted to Detectron2/Colab by SwEng.M2022
UTUGraderAutomatic grading of programming exercises via GitLabMUE2022
Virma KarttaAn open source recreational travel mobile app for Southwest FinlandM2022
Git GuideA beginner-level git guide for studentsMUE2022
Capstone CourseA crowdsourced webpage system for student project listingsMUEA
Tech JobsA simplified job portal for the faculty’s students and local companiesUEA
Faculty Intranet PrototypingAn experimental git-based approach for building multilingual intranetsMUE2022
Text To Speech Presentation Tool Multimedia lectures in a multilingual way with automatic subtitles by the use of modern TTS services ME2022
Dept. Staff MapA crowdsourced map of staff and item locations for our departmentMU2022
A+Automatic assignment grader in evaluation for the dept. Developed in Aalto University.UE2022
ShareLaTeXUsed internally for thesis supervision and publication writingUEA
ExerciserA service for allowing lecturers to easily track/gather course returns via GitLabMUEA
ConnVisGraphical Real-Time Network connection Visualization of Mobile Devices for Privacy ResearchMUE2022
WP ImageorbitA simple WordPress plugin for layouting links around an image (contracted work).M2019